Requirements to get started

Sent information

The information is necessary to be able to display a finished application.

Configure the App

During implementation and configuration we will make the adjustments your business needs.

Start to receive appointments

Congratulations, you can now receive quotes through Google Play, Apple Store and Quick Booking.

Business Details

Business Name
Address or addresses if you have more than one branch office
Phone Number
Email Address
Business Hours
Social Links
Logo (PNG, SVG, PSD)
Amenities (ex: WiFi, Pets Friendly)

Business Services

Service List
Price per Service
Image of Service (Optional)
Time of Service

Staff List

Full Name
Photo (Included on Implementation)

** These requirements are necessary to start publishing the app to the Apple and Android stores.

** Without these data we can not start the upload.

** The application to Open Cash Drawer is only available for Windows
(Not Linux, Chrome Os, ChromiumOS, iOS, Unix, IRIX, Windows NT, Android or Mac OS)

Take your business to the next level with Booking to Me